Rational Investing or Speculative Fever?: SPACs, Robinhood, and Digital Assets—Securities Markets or Casinos? release_bgstvg5kb5hyljgwm2dcdmjvfm

by Thomas Hazen

Published in FIU Law Review by Florida International University.

2024   Volume 18, Issue 3, p565-608


This article focuses a recurring theme – speculation in the financial markets. The 2010-2020 decade set the stage for a new round of speculative activity starting in 2021. In the article that follows I reflect on a new wave of speculation and three current examples of speculative activity. The article concludes that regulators should be cautious about over-regulation of SPACs and gamified trading. The article also supports the regulation of digital assets (crypto currencies and NFTs) as securities.
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Date   2024-03-19
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