@article{joy_neith_2021, title={The Queen of Hearts: Exploring the process of creating queer art and its use in dietetic research and practice}, DOI={10.32920/cd.v5i2.1414}, abstractNote={Body image issues for gay men can shape their overall health and wellbeing. The intent of this article is to explore the personal and creative process in translating research findings to art. The article first presents a brief overview of the research that explored how social and cultural norms constitute the beliefs, values, and practices of gay men concerning their eating, body image, and health. The research findings are translated through an art piece that is disruptive to the dominant ways of knowing about the body ideals set before gay men. An art piece that is, therefore, by definition queer art. The findings, and hence, the art are interpreted through the classic tale of Alice in Wonderland - a poststructural piece of literature. The article describes the considerations and processes used to create the art, including the central character, the colors, and the the symbolism of its various components.  Implications of queer art to dietetic practice are discussed.     }, publisher={Ryerson University Library and Archives}, author={Joy, Phillip and Neith, James Iain}, year={2021}, month={Mar} }