@article{madu_madu_2002, title={Destination attributes affecting tourists' readiness to recommend Lagos State (Nigeria) for tourism}, DOI={10.4102/sajems.v5i3.2747}, abstractNote={This is an investigation into tourists' readiness to recommend Lagos State of Nigeria as a tourist destination and the destination attributes (factors) affecting their readiness. The investigation was conducted through a survey of 378 on-site business, recreational, international and domestic tourists sampled from different tourist attraction sites. Results show that the majority of the tourists were ready to recommend the destination. However, more recreational tourists are ready to recommend the destination than the business tourists. More domestic tourists are also ready to recommend the destination than the international tourists. The authors conclude that there is an urgent need for tourism encouraging measures aimed at maximisation of the potentials of hospitality, and minimisation of maintenance of tourist infrastructures and transportation problems; and increased measures to guarantee personal safety in the State.}, publisher={AOSIS}, author={Madu, J. C. and Madu, S. N.}, year={2002}, month={Sep} }