@article{abramson_aquino_stone_1999, title={UCLA International Journal of Comparative Psychology Title Permalink Publication Date FAILURE TO FIND PROBOSCIS CONDITIONING IN ONE-DAY OLD AFRICANIZED HONEY BEES (APIS MELLIFERA L) AND IN ADULT URUQU HONEY BEES (MELIPONA SCUTELLARIS)}, volume={12}, abstractNote={The proboscis extension reflex was used to investigate behavior modification in one day old Africanized honey bees and in adult Uru^u honey bees. Experiments were designed to investigate classical conditioning, pseudoconditioning, and central excitatory state. Additional experiments examined the suitability of the proboscis extension reflex to serve as a feeding assay were carried out on Urugu. The results indicated no classical conditioning and no pseudoconditioning in young Africanized bees or in the adult Uru9u. A large central excitatory effect was observed in young Africanized bees, but only a small effect was observed in Urugu. The proboscis extension reflex could be used as an assay to test the suitability of artificial diets in Uru §u.}, author={Abramson and Aquino and Stone}, year={1999} }