On a possibility of a consistent interpretation of diboson excesses at LHC release_aok3quqz55aa5mw2hlnqrtsmcq

by B.A. Arbuzov, I.V. Zaitsev

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Recently reported diboson and diphoton excesses at LHC are interpreted to be connected with heavy WW zero spin resonances. The resonances appears due to the wouldbe anomalous triple interaction of the weak bosons, which is defined by well-known coupling constant λ. The 2 TeV anomaly tentatively corresponds to weak isotopic spin 2 scalar state and the γγ 750 GeV anomaly corresponds to weak isotopic spin 0 pseudoscalar state. We obtain estimates for the effect, which qualitatively agree with ATLAS data. Effects are predicted in a production of W^+ W^-, (Z,γ) (Z,γ) via resonance X_PS with M_PS≃ 750 GeV, which could be reliably checked at the upgraded LHC at √(s) = 13 TeV. In the framework of an approach to the spontaneous generation of the triple anomalous interaction its coupling constant is estimated to be λ = - 0.02± 0.005 in an agreement with existing restrictions. Specific predictions of the hypothesis are significant effects in decay channels X_PS→γ l^+ l^- , X_PS→ l^+ l^- l^+ l^- (l = e, μ).
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2016-02-26
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1602.08293v1
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