The Effect of Service Quality and Professionalism on Patient Loyalty Through Hospital Image (Study at Makassar Happy Hospital) release_afz6uqskyzgrnmbwrfvblxgsi4

by M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

Released as a post by Center for Open Science.



This research aims to examine and evaluate the impact of standard service and Professionalism on patient satisfaction through the hospital's picture in the Bahagia Makassar Hospital. This study method is quantitative, with the research design used for survey research and uses a cross-section approach. This study was performed at Bahagia Makassar Hospital from July 20 to August 20, 2020, with 231 respondents as samples. Sampling in this analysis used probability sampling using unintended sampling methods. The researcher's methodological approach is "Path Analysis." it is because the researchers want to see how Service Quality and Professionalism affect Customer Satisfaction through the Picture of the Hospital at Makassar General Hospital. The findings showed 1) the impact of the service quality variables on the hospital image is positive and significant; 2) the effect of the professionalism variable on the Hospital Image is positive and significant; 3) the influence of the service quality variables on patient satisfaction is positive and significant; 4) the impact of the variable Professionalism on patient loyalty is positive and significant..
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Date   2021-03-16
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