Clinical evolution of hepatitis delta virus genotype 3 infection in patients from the Western Amazon, Brazil release_acp3wqqv4rgh3krsjunk55tynq

by Suyane da Costa Oliveira, Laboratório de Virologia Molecular da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Rondônia, Porto Velho, RO, Brazil., Eugênia de Castro Silva, Miriam Ribas Zambenedetti, Soraya dos Santos Pereira, Ivo Alberto Borghetti, Mariana Pinheiro Alves Vasconcelos, Lourdes Maria Pinheiro Borzacov, Fabricio Klerynton Marchini, Luis Gustavo Morello, Marco Aurélio Krieger, Juan Miguel Villalobos Salcedo (+14 others)

Published in Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports by Open Source Publications.



Background: Chronic infection with the Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) is often associated with severe liver decompensation and fulminant hepatitis, but in some cases, it can present a stable clinical presentation. Objectives: This study evaluated the clinical evolution of HDV-3 carriers from an endemic region of the western Brazilian Amazon. Methods: Cross-sectional study was carried out with Anti-HDAg reagent patients, seen at an outpatient clinic specialized in viral hepatitis located in Rondônia, Brazil. Findings: A total of 19 patients, 68.4% male and 31.6% female, aged between 23 and 65 years old, were evaluated; 84.2% were clinically classified as carriers of the decompensated disease and 15.8% as carriers of the inactive disease. The results of the clinical evaluation were related to viral load; 30.8% had detectable viral RNA, and even though it was not possible to establish an association between the stage of the disease and persistent viral replication (p> 0.05), persistent viral replication was predictive of early evolution for liver cirrhosis. Conclusion: The results demonstrate the possibility that viral load can be used as a noninvasive hepatic marker in the clinical management of Hepatitis Delta. Keywords: chronic; hepatitis D; hepatitis delta virus; liver diseases.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2021-10-08
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ISSN-L:  2766-7820
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