Psychological and pedagogical support of the fact of suicidal behavior of a student in an educational organization release_a6fdj6kdjffwlnpq2lu7ltdkey

by E.A. Pyriev, A.N. Kurginova, N.L. Klimon, A.D. Bocharov

Published by Вятский государственный университет.

2022   Volume Выпуск 3, Issue 145, Pages 175


The article presents an algorithm of psychological and pedagogical support of activities in an educational institution on the fact of suicidal behavior of a student. The phenomenon of "suicidal behavior of a student" is understood as a suicidal attempt or completed suicide of a minor while studying in an educational institution. This phenomenon reflects the classification of medical diseases according to ICD-10: X-60-X84. The object of the study is the subjects of the educational organization: students, their parents and teachers. The focus of the work of specialists of GBU TO CPMSP (Center for Psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance) The Vyborg district of St. Petersburg is preventive in nature. The purpose of the study was the organization of psychological and pedagogical activities in an educational institution with a focus on overcoming the glorification of a suicidal act. As part of preventive work, the task of forming the responsibility of minors for their lives is being solved. The algorithm of psychological and pedagogical measures differs in the specifics of suicidal behavior. For example, in a situation of an accomplished suicide, farewell events are held in an educational institution, which provide for the participation of subjects of the educational institution in mourning procedures. In a situation of a suicidal attempt, the Center's psychologists face the task of helping a minor to enter the educational process without conflict. The algorithm of psychological and pedagogical activity in an educational organization conditionally includes three stages: organizational and preparatory, main and final with summing up the results of the work done. The peculiarity of the activity carried out is the direct psychological and pedagogical work with all subjects of the educational process, and not only with teenage students. The developed algorithm for accompanying the fact of suicidal behavior of a student refers to tertiary prevention aimed at overcoming stress, other emotional disorders, an [...]
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