@article{kumar_arora_2018, title={An Empirical Investigation Of Brand Awareness And Preference Of Rural Consumers In Himachal Pradesh Towards Shampoo}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.1327585}, abstractNote={This research paper is an empirical study on brand awareness and brand preference of rural consumer of Himachal Pradesh towards branded shampoo. Himachal Pradesh is a mountainous state at the foothill of Himalayas where around 90% of its population lives in the rural areas in hilly terrain. Only 10% lives in the urban places. There has been not much research on the consumer behavior of this mountainous rural population. This paper investigates and probe about brand awareness and brand preference of rural consumers of one of the Himalayan state towards Hair shampoo category. This study also inquires main factors which rural consumer consider for buying a shampoo.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Kumar and Arora}, year={2018}, month={Jul} }