Search for cytoplasmic male sterility plants and its maintainer plants of carrots in Rogneda variety release_7ujp2mxkcrckjab56jlbdj4ga4

by A. V. Kornev, Aleksander Khovrin, V. I. Leunov, S. N. Derevschukov, L. V. Sycheva

Published in Ovoŝi Rossii by FSBSI All-Russian Scientfic Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production.

2020   p42-44


<jats:bold>Relevance.</jats:bold> Hybrid seed production of carrots is carried out on a three-line basis, which suggests the presence of a male sterile maternal line and a fertile paternal line. For the reproduction of a male sterile line, a maintainer line is needed. The process of creating an isogenic pair of a manly sterile line – a maintainer line is of great complexity. As a maintainer line, it is necessary to use only a plant – a homozygote Cyt N msms for the core genes providing sterility, but with a normal cytoplasm. The purpose of the work is the creation of maintainer line for the sterility of carrots from the population of the Rogneda variety.<jats:bold>Methods.</jats:bold> Research were carried out: in 2016, at the experimental base of the Voronezh Vegetable Experimental Station (Voronezh Region); in 2017 - 2019, at the breeding center of All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (Moscow Region). The material for the work was seed plants and roots of the Rogneda variety and hybrid, inbred, backcross progenies obtained from this population. Breeding methods: hybridization, inbreeding. Crosses used: simple direct and complex return (backcrosses), inbreeding.<jats:bold>Results.</jats:bold>Research revealed the possibility of searching for a maintainer line in the Rogneda variety. The P43f inbred progeny is potential line B, which maintains the CMS trait of the petaloid type at 100%. Of the 67 hybrid progenies, only P43st x P43f was left, in which all plants with male sterility. 65 hybrid progenies contained both sterile and fertile plants. Associated 65 inbred progenies had sterile and fertile plants, i.e. it makes no sense to try to obtain a maintainer line is needed. The process of creating an isogenic pair of a manly sterile line – a maintainer line from such fertile plants. Hybrid progeny of P4st x P4f had 100% fertile plants. The inbred progeny of P4f was represented only by fertile plants. 
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Date   2020-08-27
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