Simulator Education Initiatives for On-Campus Practical Training in Nuclear Medicine Technology release_7egj22k5kvaola4nxuteewe4y4

by Koji Nakaya, Hiroe Muto, Kanae Matsuura, Nobuyuki Arai

Published in Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology by Society of Nuclear Medicine.

2024   Volume 52, Issue 2, jnmt.123.267135


Because nuclear medicine diagnostic equipment has not been installed at our educational institution, we had not been able to incorporate nuclear medicine techniques into on-campus training until now. Methods: We have introduced a diagnostic image processing simulator to replace nuclear medicine diagnostic equipment. The simulator was used to conduct on-campus practical training on nuclear medicine technology. We also conducted a questionnaire survey of students regarding their experience with on-campus practical training using the simulators. Results: The survey results revealed that the on-campus practical training using simulators deepened students' understanding of the content they had encountered in classroom lectures. Conclusion: We successfully implemented on-campus practical training in nuclear medicine technology using a diagnostic image-processing simulator. According to the results of our questionnaire, it is possible to provide on-campus practical training to students using simulators that enhance understanding of nuclear medicine technology.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2024-02-13
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ISSN-L:  0091-4916
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