Localizing gauge theories on S^d release_73xum2hqpbfbfoimf2uuf6v4gq

by Joseph A. Minahan

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We conjecture the form of the one-loop determinants for localized gauge theories with eight supersymmetries on d-dimensional spheres. Combining this with results for the localized action, we investigate the strong coupling behavior in the large N limit for a continuous range of d. In particular, we find the N dependence of the free energy for supersymmetric Yang-Mills with only a vector multiplet in 3<d<4 and for maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills in 3< d<6. We also argue that this gives an effective way to regularize divergences after localization in d=4 for N=2 gauge theories and d=6 for the maximally supersymmetric case.
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Type  report
Stage   accepted
Date   2016-04-29
Version   v2
Language   en ?
Number  UUITP-07/15
arXiv  1512.06924v2
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Revision: 403040b1-33ce-4317-92c7-c09424a363ac