@article{temaneh-nyah_makiche_nujoma_2014, title={Characterization Of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Created By Multiple Sources Of Electromagnetic Radiation}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.1096931}, abstractNote={This paper considers the characterization of a complex
electromagnetic environment due to multiple sources of
electromagnetic radiation as a five-dimensional surface which can be
described by a set of several surface sections including: instant EM
field intensity distribution maps at a given frequency and altitude,
instantaneous spectrum at a given location in space and the time
evolution of the electromagnetic field spectrum at a given point in
space. This characterization if done over time can enable the
exposure levels of Radio Frequency Radiation at every point in the
analysis area to be determined and results interpreted based on
comparison of the determined RFR exposure level with the safe
guidelines for general public exposure given by recognized body
such as the International commission on non-ionizing radiation
protection (ICNIRP), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE), the National Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA).}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Temaneh-Nyah and Makiche and Nujoma}, year={2014}, month={Nov} }