A QCD sum rule analysis of the pentaquark release_6uyuu36pzna4vfpfttcoi7fqsq

by Hee-Jung Lee, N.I.Kochelev, V. Vento

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We perform a QCD sum rule calculation to determine the mass and the parity of the lowest lying pentaquark state. We include operators up to dimension d=13 in the OPE and the direct instanton contributions. We find evidence for a positive parity state. The contribution from operators of dimension d>5 is instrumental in determining the parity of the state and achieving the convergence of the sum rule.
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Type  report
Stage   submitted
Date   2005-06-24
Version   v1
Language   en ?
Number  FTUV/05-0624, IFIC/05-27,SNUTP/05-012,APCTP/05-008
arXiv  hep-ph/0506250v1
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