Trends and Effects of Learning through AR-Based Education in S-Korea release_6ean6g4gr5fw3dd2anrvp6n334

by Mi-Young An, Department of Early Childhood Education at Cheju Halla University, South Korea, Han-Seul Kim, Ji-Won Kang

Published in International Journal of Information and Education Technology by EJournal Publishing.

2020   Volume 10, p655-663


The purpose of this study is to help teachers of AR-based education by reviewing the literature on the types, learning effects and limitations of AR technology used in Korean AR-based education. Therefore, this thesis examines the literature focusing on thesis and articles of Korean thesis, and defines the definition of AR, technical elements, implementation method, utilization media, usage and trends, educational status, and educational effects and limitations. As a result, the classes using AR-based education could be easily immersed by learners and the presence of learning occurred. In addition, it is possible to take advantage of the AR, enabling immediate training using GPS and collaborative training using the network. AR-based education is becoming increasingly popular according to the use of digital textbooks through AR technology and AR education contents using mobile devices. However, there are limitations to AR implementation media such as qualitative differences in AR educational contents, high price, motion sickness and dizziness of HMD devices. Therefore, in order to achieve AR-based education in educational institutions and educational sites, this paper presents the development of AR implementation media suitable for the level of learners, provides flexible AR curriculum guidelines, industry-academic cooperation between companies for technology development, and inspection / censorship of educational contents. It suggests that a procedure should be provided.
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Year   2020
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