@article{dr_amuthadevi_2016, title={EMERGING BIO-MEDICAL APPLICATIONS AND OPEN RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN COGNITIVE INTERNET OF THINGS (CIoT)}, abstractNote={Internet of Things (IoT) got attention to many of the researchers because of the technology developments/ innovations in the networks/ communications. Now a day, faster connectivity is provided by many internet service providers. Any physical or virtual object is embedded with small device(s) to make them as interconnected. IoT is the extension of internet, wireless sensor networks and mobile devices. Introducing cognitive abilities in IoT makes introduction of smarter or intelligent applications/services and provides wider paths for current and future researches including healthcare and telemedicine and tele-surgery applications. In this paper, the emerging trend named 'Cognitive IoT' is discussed to clearly define the demand, services and the open challenges.}, author={Dr and Amuthadevi}, year={2016} }