Adolescence and Sexuality : International Perspectives release_62sflupfdrh6xcwiry5rcxbb7i

by Donald Greydanus, Hatim Omar, Donald Greydanus, Omar, Hatim, Care Clinician, A Hatim, Donald Omar, Artemis Greydanus, Dilip Tsitsika, Joav Patel, Merrick (+8 others)

Released as a article-journal by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.



Human sexuality is a complex phenomenon involving the interaction of biology, sex, core gender identity, and gender role behavior. Successful completion of normal stages of sexuality development is important for children and adolescents to allow for optimal life as an adult. Controversies arise for clinicians as they work with their pediatric patients regarding health care sexuality issues. It is important that clinicians help these patients in an unbiased and neutral manner. As adults, these children and adolescents will function in a number of sexuality roles, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. This chapter reviews many of these complex and critical issues that involve the fascinating development of human sexuality in pediatric patients .
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