@article{radović_drobac_2009, title={RECOGNITION, MANAGEMENT AND KEEPING TALENTS - FACTOR OF COMPETITION}, volume={VI}, abstractNote={Devlopment of team-workong in the sport is one of the most imprtant factor to ac- hievement above average resaults. The author emphasises the importance of proposing and selecting the leader-manager, who will effectively conect talented individuals and make their synergy effect. In this paper author is analysis the important factors of sucess in the sports and to give the answers why sombody has great results, but somody doesnt although hard working and with talented sprotsmen. Good organizations contibute the sports organi- zation to become the leader. They successfuly keep talents, menage them and use their possibility.}, number={18-19-20}, publisher={Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education}, author={Radović and Drobac}, year={2009} }