ICE BLASTING release_5xiygkmcpjfnzdc4drva3dqp3a

by Pradeep Kumar, Sagar Pawar, Amol Paymode, G Jeughale

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Ice blasting is a simple process that uses compressed air and ice crystals, shot through a hose and directed with a nozzle, a fine powerful mist is blasted onto a surface, acting like a chisel to remove debris. Ice blasting is a non-abrasive, cleaning process that uses ordinary tap water, compressed air and electricity to create an environmentally friendly, cost effective method to address a variety of cleaning needs. Ice is a phase change media. Ice starts as a solid and changes into a liquid. Therefore it possesses the combined characteristics of both solid and liquid blasts. Ice is not abrasive, therefore is only marginal in erosion applications. Erosion by ice blast is a result of impact fracture, not abrasive action. Being a phase change material, ice does not generate dust on impact and does not require a large volume to do useful work.
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