@article{sruthi_nagaraja, title={Comparative Assessment of Ramp and Biasing Signal Amplitude Variations of Digital Closed-Loop Fiber Optic Gyroscope}, abstractNote={Fiber optic gyroscope is a rotation sensor working on the principle of Sagnac effect. Fiber optic gyroscopes are used in inertial navigation system, aircraft, guidance, etc. FOG has to be operated in closed loop condition to achieve inertial grade performance. In the closed-loop operation, the ramp signal is used as a feedback signal to nullify the rotation induced sagnac phase shift. The peak to peak voltage of ramp is equal to V2π voltage of IOC (Integrated Optic Chip). A biasing signal is also applied to IOC for intensity modulation. If the variations in the ramp and biasing signal are occurred, then it introduces variations in the gyro performance. The gyro performance is evaluated in terms of bias, scale-factor and linearity.}, author={Sruthi and Nagaraja} }