Combating a Case of COVID Pneumonia with ARDS – a Physiotherapist's Standpoint release_5nf2u7c7vjgkrik4fleuaiszim

by Chaithanya Ratheesh, Aishwarya Nair

Published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International by Sciencedomain International.

2021   p412-417


Introduction: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, affecting multiple organ systems. The disease usually presents as mild to moderate respiratory illness but in many cases has progressed to development of pneumonia and ARDS ultimately requiring ventilatory support and prolonged ICU stay. Prolonged immobilization itself is a harbinger of various complications drastically altering a patient's functional status. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in the management of COVID-19 symptoms as well as in the prevention of complications. 
 Case Study: This case report describes the progress of a 44-year old female patient diagnosed with COVID-19 presenting with subsequent pneumonia and ARDS. The patient was started with medical management and supplemental oxygen therapy. In combination to the above-mentioned protocols, physiotherapy treatment was also initiated. After 2 weeks of rehabilitation and drug therapy, the patient displayed improved respiratory function at room air and was able to independently ambulate with minimal breathing difficulty.
 Discussion: This case report aims to highlight the importance of early intervention of physiotherapy in COVID-19 patients. The scope of physiotherapy treatment in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia is vast. The treatment protocol adapted for this patient are in tune with the various research articles analysed to ensure evidence-based care. This will enable the healthcare professionals to ensure timely referral and early initiation of Physiotherapy treatment.
 Conclusion: As per the findings and results of this case report, it is evident that the patient benefited from the timely advent of physiotherapy intervention. The key factor was the correct identification of the problematic areas and accurate prioritization based on the clinical presentation and investigation findings
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2021-12-14
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