The<b> <i> XXviri ex senatus consulto rei publicae curandae</i> </b> of 238. A Note on Senatorial Resistance against a Tyrannical <b> <i>hostis publicus</i> </b> that Recalls Rome's Republican Constitution release_5g5dl4uzrvfljjpqmzd6kqrrem

by Nikolas Hächler

Published in Klio : Beiträge zur alten Geschichte by Walter de Gruyter GmbH.

2023   Volume 105, Issue 2, p646-666


<jats:title>Summary</jats:title> The <jats:italic>XXviri ex senatus consulto rei publicae curandae</jats:italic> played a decisive role in the civil war between Maximinus Thrax and the senate in 238. This note examines the actions of the extraordinary committee and interprets them against the backdrop of the reception of constitutional thought rooted in that, which was perceived as traditional political ideals of the Roman Republic during the Principate. The study will first look at the roots of the conflicts between Maximinus Thrax and the <jats:italic>ordo senatorius</jats:italic>, followed by an analysis of the origins and tasks of the <jats:italic>XXviri t</jats:italic>ogether with their political goals and possible republican <jats:italic>exempla</jats:italic>. Finally, there will be observations on the <jats:italic>vigintivirate</jats:italic>'s significance and role after the senate's triumph over its enemy. In doing so, this contribution will emphasize the importance of republican constitutional thought in times of crisis for the continued existence of the <jats:italic>res publica romana</jats:italic> under the Principate.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2023-11-01
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ISSN-L:  0075-6334
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