Motivation, self-efficacy beliefs, and speaking anxiety in language MOOCs release_5c573zlauvgaxbraly26hvoneu

by Zsuzsanna Bárkányi

Published in ReCALL by Cambridge University Press (CUP).

2021   Volume 33, p143-160


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title>This paper examines the role of motivation, anxiety, and self-efficacy beliefs and their interplay with regard to speaking on beginners' Spanish LMOOCs. It answers three research questions: (1) what are learners' motivations and goals for joining these LMOOCs and how do these relate to foreign language speaking anxiety; (2) how do learners' self-efficacy beliefs and anxiety levels change as a result of course completion; and (3) is there a correlation between motivation, foreign language speaking anxiety, and self-efficacy beliefs in this context? A mixed-methods research design used quantitative and qualitative data gathered from self-reflective questionnaires and forum discussions. The results reveal that learners with intrinsic motivation are more likely to complete the courses than those who sign up to manage a personal situation or advance in their career or studies. No direct correlation was, however, found between motivation and the other variables under scrutiny. Learners present higher self-efficacy beliefs at the end of the courses than at the beginning, while anxiety levels are affected to a much smaller degree by course completion. Although spoken interactions in this learning environment are not synchronous, apprehension and anxiety prevent many learners from fully participating in the speaking activities.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2021-04-23
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  0958-3440
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