Unleashing the potential: super-resolution microscopy as the key to advanced mitochondrial research release_57tftagivza73dtjpw3binfmte

by Xiaoyu Li, Miao He, Xiaoshuai Huang

Published in Medical Review by Walter de Gruyter GmbH.

2024   Volume 0, Issue 0, p239-243


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> Investigating the fine structure of mitochondria and their dynamic interactions with other organelles is crucial for unraveling the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial-related diseases. The development of super-resolution techniques has provided powerful visualization tools for mitochondrial research, which is significant for investigating mitochondrial cristae structure, the localization of mitochondrial-related protein complex, and the interactions between mitochondria and other organelles. In this perspective, we introduce several advanced super-resolution techniques and their applications in mitochondrial research, and discuss the potential roles these techniques may play in future studies of mitochondria.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2024-03-25
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  2749-9642
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