Revision of the Ungulate Fauna and Upper Pleistocene Stratigraphy of Veternica Cave (Zagreb, Croatia)
Preston T. Miracle,
Dejana Brajković
<div>Revision of the Veternica ungulates removes Dama dama (L.)</div><div>(fallow deer) and Megaceros giganteus (BLUMENBACH) (giant</div><div>deer) from the species list and adds Bison priscus (BOJ ANUS) (bison)</div><div>to it. The rhino remains do not allow a specific determination. A/ces</div><div>a/ces (L.)(elk) and Capreolus capreolus (L.) (roe deer) are rarer</div><div>than previously thought. Rupicapra rupicapra (L.) (chamois) remains</div><div>are particularly common in levels d and h. Capra ibex (L.)</div><div>(ibex) is limited to level d, while Sus scrofa (L.)(pig) needs to be</div><div>added to the faunallist of level e. Cervus ela ph us (L. )(red deer) is</div><div>the most common ungulate in all of the levels, with the exception</div><div>of level d and perhaps level h. This revision remove s all of the socalled</div><div>warm period ungulates from the fauna and casts doubt on an</div><div>interglacial date for level j. Therefore, we suggest that level j at</div><div>Veternica does not date to the last interglacial maximum (oxygen</div><div>isotope sub-stage Se, e. 128-118,000 BP), but to a later and cooler</div><div>time period with a more open environment. The sediments, however,</div><div>do indicate relatively warm and wet conditions of deposition,</div><div>at least with regards to the rest of the profile. We favor a date during</div><div>sub-stages Sc or Sa (e. 100,000 and 80,000 BP, respectively),</div><div>but leave the question open for the time being.</div>
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