From STEM to 4D STEM: Ultrafast Diffraction Mapping with a Hybrid-Pixel Detector release_54cnxcgkejcgbkr7wj4bq3iebm

by Daniel G Stroppa, Matthias Meffert, Christoph Hoermann, Pietro Zambon, Darya  Bachevskaya, Hervé Remigy, Clemens Schulze-Briese, Luca Piazza

Published in Microscopy Today by Oxford University Press (OUP).

2023   Volume 31, p10-14


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title>4D scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) techniques have been increasingly featured among the electron microscopy characterization approaches, as they provide a perspective of improved information retrieval from samples overall. To make 4D STEM experiments as viable as conventional STEM image acquisition, the recording of diffraction patterns with a pixelated detector at fast frame rates, sufficient sensitivity to capture single electron hits, and high dynamic range is necessary. This paper addresses the recent development in hybrid-pixel detector technology that now allows 4D STEM experiments with a similar setup to conventional STEM imaging with pixel collection time under 10 µs. Application examples on virtual STEM detectors and crystal phase-orientation mapping are presented.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2023-03-01
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  1551-9295
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