Conditions for Parametric and Free-Carrier Oscillation in Silicon Ring Cavities release_53qwlxy5szasllznogmucwe6fy

by Ryan Hamerly, Dodd Gray, Christopher Rogers, Kambiz Jamshidi

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We model optical parametric oscillation in ring cavities with two-photon absorption, focusing on silicon at 1.55μm. Oscillation is possible if free-carrier absorption can be mitigated; this can be achieved using carrier sweep-out in a reverse-biased p-i-n junction to reduce the carrier lifetime. By varying the pump power, detuning, and reverse-bias voltage, it is possible to generate frequency combs in cavities with both normal and anomalous dispersion at a wide range of wavelengths including 1.55μm. Furthermore, a free-carrier self-pulsing instability leads to rich dynamics when the carrier lifetime is sufficiently long.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2018-01-31
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1802.00071v1
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Revision: fbe7b93e-0744-42cc-9536-55a0800401bd