Investigation of Chitosan Flakes in the Adsorption of Fe(III) Ions from Acidic Solution
Iuliana Florina Costea (Nour),
Alina-Mihaela Ceoromila,
Aurel Tabacaru,
Geta Carac
In the present work, the adsorption efficiency of chitosan flakes towards ferric ions from aqueous medium by varying several experimental factors, such as pH, adsorbent dosage, contact time and ferric ions concentration, was investigated. The obtained results have shown that the amount of adsorbed Fe(III) ions increases with the contact time, reaching the equilibrium within 5 h, at ambient temperature. The optimal pH to ensure the adsorption of Fe(III) ions was established at 3.0 - 3.2 for the solutions containing 100 mg/L and 200 mg/L Fe(III) ions. The adsorption of Fe(III) ions on chitosan flakes was established at more than 80% (mg Fe/g adsorbent). The adsorption isotherm gained through two equilibrium models, the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms, were analysed and the equilibrium isotherm was better matched with the Langmuir model. The Fe(III) ions are adsorbed by chitosan through the amine and hydroxyl groups, chitosan being an effective adsorbent material for the retention of metal ions, with possible application in environment and medicine. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was also employed to confirm the eventual structural changes of the chitosan matrix upon the adsorption of Fe(III) ions.
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