Young Child-Rearing Latina Cancer Survivors Living in the US-Mexico Border Region: A Qualitative Study release_52xxr3alh5ez7hvkbnftpya2gy

by Clara L. Reyes, Rebecca L. Palacios, Karoline Sondgeroth, Ernesto A. Moralez

Published in Journal of Cancer Therapy by Scientific Research Publishing, Inc..

2021   Volume 12, Issue 04, p174-185


Despite increasing cancer incidence among young Latinas (<50 yrs.) in the US, little is known about how young, child-rearing Latinas cope with cancer in the US-Mexico border region. The purpose of this study was to explore how young, child-rearing Latinas described their challenges, strengths, and social support sources for coping with cancer in the US-Mexico border region. Nine Latinas that had been diagnosed with cancer, had at least one child 5 to 13 years old, and lived in one of two targeted border counties participated in audio-recorded, semi-structured focus groups (n = 6) or interviews (n = 3) in their preferred language (i.e., English or Spanish). Interview recordings were transcribed and inductively coded using methods based on grounded theory. Three major themes emerged. First, in reporting their physical and emotional struggles with cancer as the most difficult time of their lives, participants described feeling alone as they navigated treatment side effects and continued fear of cancer. Second, they explained figuring out how to live day-by-day, reporting the negative impact of cancer on their families and on their ability to maintain their roles as mothers. Third, they highlighted factors that gave them the strength to fight and carry on, emphasizing their children and their inner strength. Even with a supportive family, young Latina mothers felt alone as they navigated cancer (i.e., treatment, fear, and impact on their families) and as they worked to garner the strength to overcome the stress of cancer. Interventions for young Latina survivors should be designed to address their needs, build on their fighting spirit, incorporate the family, and connect them with other survivors for personalized support. Further research is warranted to better understand cancer survivorship among child-rearing Latina mothers experiencing a cancer diagnosis in under-resourced communities like the US-Mexico border region.
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Date   2021-04-22
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ISSN-L:  2151-1934
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