A Robust Rigid Registration Framework of 3D Indoor Scene Point Clouds Based on RGB-D Information release_4z2bol6n6fazjd2cp4q7ipzgp4

by Saishang Zhong, Mingqiang Guo, Ruina Lv, Jianguo Chen, Zhong Xie, Zheng Liu

Published in Remote Sensing by MDPI AG.

2021   Volume 13, Issue 23, p4755


Rigid registration of 3D indoor scenes is a fundamental yet vital task in various fields that include remote sensing (e.g., 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes), photogrammetry measurement, geometry modeling, etc. Nevertheless, state-of-the-art registration approaches still have defects when dealing with low-quality indoor scene point clouds derived from consumer-grade RGB-D sensors. The major challenge is accurately extracting correspondences between a pair of low-quality point clouds when they contain considerable noise, outliers, or weak texture features. To solve the problem, we present a point cloud registration framework in view of RGB-D information. First, we propose a point normal filter for effectively removing noise and simultaneously maintaining sharp geometric features and smooth transition regions. Second, we design a correspondence extraction scheme based on a novel descriptor encoding textural and geometry information, which can robustly establish dense correspondences between a pair of low-quality point clouds. Finally, we propose a point-to-plane registration technology via a nonconvex regularizer, which can further diminish the influence of those false correspondences and produce an exact rigid transformation between a pair of point clouds. Compared to existing state-of-the-art techniques, intensive experimental results demonstrate that our registration framework is excellent visually and numerically, especially for dealing with low-quality indoor scenes.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2021-11-24
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  2072-4292
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