@article{granelli_2017, title={A Framework for Analysis of Connectivity and Performance Bounds in Ad Hoc Networks and Its Application to a Slotted-ALOHA Scenario}, DOI={10.24138/jcomss.v1i1.315}, abstractNote={In this paper, a framework is proposed to analyse theproblems of connectivity and performance in ad-hoc networks through an analytical approach. To this aim, available results regarding the application of percolation theory to the study of connectivity in ad-hoc networks are exploited jointly with communication theory models in order to derive the configuration of network parameters that ensures long range connectivity among nodes and the corresponding available capacity on the wireless medium. The framework is then applied to a slotted ALOHA ad-hoc network. Theoretical and numerical results validate the approach and allow the derivation of interesting design principles for ad-hoc networks that consider the impact ofphysical and MAC-level parameters on network connectivity and end-to-end performance.}, publisher={Croatian Communications and Information Society}, author={Granelli}, year={2017}, month={Apr} }