@article{kolosov_tikunov_eremchenko_2021, title={Areas Of Socio-Geographical Study Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In Russia And The World}, volume={14}, DOI={10.24057/2071-9388-2021-091}, abstractNote={The natural and socio-economic characteristics of the territory play a decisive role in the spread of the pandemic of COVID-19. It provoked a restructuring process in practically all fields of the social life. Its main areas were laid before the pandemic, but the changes were sharply accelerated by the pandemic. In analyzing a number of Russian and foreign publications, the authors discuss the main areas and methods of human-geographical study of the development and consequences of the pandemic. The constantly growing flow of publications in this field can be divided into three major parts: studies of the spatial spread of infection on the different stages; analysis of demographic, (geo) political and economic implications of the pandemic, and attempts to forecast the impact of social and technological changes accelerated by it on territorial structures. The authors note in particular that the geopolitical picture of the world with the division of countries into developed and developing, rich and poor, authoritarian and democratic, Eastern and Western, became much less clear. The most obvious geopolitical consequence of the pandemic is the further fragmentation of the political and socio-economic space. Not only state, but often also administrative boundaries have turned into almost insurmountable barriers for people and trade. The COVID crisis has opened new opportunities for a reasonable combination of the concentration of social life in the «archipelago» of large cities and the development of other territories.}, publisher={Russian Geographical Society}, author={Kolosov, Vladimir A. and Tikunov, Vladimir S. and Eremchenko, Evgeny N.}, year={2021}, month={Dec} }