@article{zhang_cheng_zhao_hao_tao_xiang_2019, title={A Gesture-Based Teleoperation System for Compliant Robot Motion}, DOI={10.3390/app9245290}, abstractNote={Currently, the gesture-based teleoperation system cannot generate precise and compliant robot motions because human motions have the characteristics of uncertainty and low-resolution. In this paper, a novel, gesture-based teleoperation system for compliant robot motion is proposed. By using the left hand as the commander and the right hand as a positioner, different operation modes and scaling ratios can be tuned on-the-fly to meet the accuracy and efficiency requirements. Moreover, a vibration-based force feedback system was developed to provide the operator with a telepresence capability. The pick-and-place and peg-in-hole tasks were used to test the effectiveness of the teleoperation system we developed. The experiment results prove that the gesture-based teleoperation system is effective at handling compliant robot motions.}, number={24}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Zhang, Wei and Cheng, Hongtai and Zhao, Liang and Hao, Lina and Tao, Manli and Xiang, Chaoqun}, year={2019}, month={Dec} }