@misc{arrestam_simonsson_ekstedt_lundberg_gennemark_cedersund_2021, title={Digital twin predicting diet response before and after long-term fasting}, DOI={10.1101/2021.11.04.467307}, abstractNote={Today, there is great interest in diets proposing new combinations of macronutrient compositions and fasting schedules. Unfortunately, there is little consensus regarding the impact of these different diets, since available studies measure different sets of variables in different populations, thus only providing partial, non-connected insights. We lack an approach for integrating all such partial insights into a useful and interconnected big picture. Herein, we present such an integrating tool. The tool uses a novel mathematical model that describes mechanisms regulating diet-response and fasting metabolic fluxes, both for organ-organ crosstalk, and inside the liver. The tool can mechanistically explain and integrate data from several clinical studies, and correctly predict new independent data, including data from a new clinical study. Using this model, we can predict non-measured variables, e.g. hepatic glycogen and gluconeogenesis, and we can quantify personalized expected differences in outcome for any diet. This constitutes a new digital twin technology.}, publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}, author={Arrestam, Oscar and Simonsson, Christian and Ekstedt, Mattias and Lundberg, Peter and Gennemark, Peter and Cedersund, Gunnar}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }