Strategic Design and reality levels: scenarios as prisms for creating possible futures release_4mpyspbkhzfxrdq3x6vfrxmnlm

by Alessandra Dias Guglieri

Published in Strategic Design Research Journal by UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio Dos Sinos.

2022   Volume 14, p516-521


Strategic Design, when seen as a metaprojectual methodological approach, continuously expands its meaning effects, creating projects that intervene in systems for sociocultural transformation. It carries an open vision of design, permeated by the reflexive dominion (BENTZ, 2014), which welcomes the arbitrary character and the multiplicity of interactions, uncertainties, indeterminations and random phenomena (MORIN, 2015).  Such intervention allows the creation of scenarios as a process guided by the imagination of other possible realities and contemplate the systems in the perspective of their openness. In this sense, the epistemological vision that integrates open systems, as well as the perspective of Strategic Design, joins the Transdisciplinarity method to discuss the elaboration of scenarios from the different reality levels. Guided by an abductive reasoning this method considers the existence of an invariable set of systems under the action of several General Laws, which constitutes more than one reality, without necessarily having a discontinuity separating them (NICOLESCU, 1999). Called the Principle of the Included Third, this conception permeated by the interdependence of simultaneous realities, leads to the elaboration of prismatic scenarios by their spectral character,  and brings light to different but complementary perspectives, as well as the colors reflected in optical dispersive prisms.
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Date   2022-01-06
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