Seeking the Epoch of Maximum Luminosity for Dusty Quasars release_4iga2cwhg5gtpjty3famjcdhgq

by Valeri Vardanyan, Daniel Weedman, Lusine Sargsyan

Entity Metadata (schema)

abstracts[] {'sha1': '1913aa5c227b012ff1021547a339e39545e9ca95', 'content': 'Infrared luminosities vLv(7.8 um) arising from dust reradiation are\ndetermined for Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars with 1.4 < z < 5 using\ndetections at 22 um by the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer. Infrared\nluminosity does not show a maximum at any redshift z < 5, reaching a plateau\nfor z > 3 with maximum luminosity vLv(7.8 um) > 10^47 erg per s; luminosity\nfunctions show one quasar per cubic Gpc having vLv(7.8 um) > 10^46.6 erg per\ns for all 2 < z < 5. We conclude that the epoch when quasars first reached\ntheir maximum luminosity has not yet been identified at any redshift below 5.\nThe most ultraviolet luminous quasars, defined by rest frame vLv(0.25 um), have\nthe largest values of the ratio vLv(0.25 um)/vLv(7.8 um) with a maximum ratio\nat z = 2.9. From these results, we conclude that the quasars most luminous in\nthe ultraviolet have the smallest dust content and appear luminous primarily\nbecause of lessened extinction. Observed ultraviolet/infrared luminosity ratios\nare used to define "obscured" quasars as those having > 5 magnitudes of\nultraviolet extinction. We present a new summary of obscured quasars discovered\nwith the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph and determine the infrared luminosity\nfunction of these obscured quasars at z 2.1. This is compared with infrared\nluminosity functions of optically discovered, unobscured quasars in the SDSS\nand in the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey. The comparison indicates comparable\nnumbers of obscured and unobscured quasars at z 2.1 with a possible excess of\nobscured quasars at fainter luminosities.', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'lang': 'en'}
{'sha1': 'd916195de893fc70910f99b00c8d883316fbc614', 'content': 'Infrared luminosities vLv(7.8 um) arising from dust reradiation are\ndetermined for Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars with 1.4 < z < 5 using\ndetections at 22 um by the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer. Infrared\nluminosity does not show a maximum at any redshift z < 5, reaching a plateau\nfor z >~ 3 with maximum luminosity vLv(7.8 um) >~ 10^{47} erg per s; luminosity\nfunctions show one quasar per cubic Gpc having vLv(7.8 um) > 10^{46.6} erg per\ns for all 2 < z < 5. We conclude that the epoch when quasars first reached\ntheir maximum luminosity has not yet been identified at any redshift below 5.\nThe most ultraviolet luminous quasars, defined by rest frame vLv(0.25 um), have\nthe largest values of the ratio vLv(0.25 um)/vLv(7.8 um) with a maximum ratio\nat z = 2.9. From these results, we conclude that the quasars most luminous in\nthe ultraviolet have the smallest dust content and appear luminous primarily\nbecause of lessened extinction. Observed ultraviolet/infrared luminosity ratios\nare used to define "obscured" quasars as those having > 5 magnitudes of\nultraviolet extinction. We present a new summary of obscured quasars discovered\nwith the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph and determine the infrared luminosity\nfunction of these obscured quasars at z ~ 2.1. This is compared with infrared\nluminosity functions of optically discovered, unobscured quasars in the SDSS\nand in the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey. The comparison indicates comparable\nnumbers of obscured and unobscured quasars at z ~ 2.1 with a possible excess of\nobscured quasars at fainter luminosities.', 'mimetype': 'application/x-latex', 'lang': 'en'}
contribs[] {'index': 0, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'Valeri Vardanyan', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
{'index': 1, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'Daniel Weedman', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
{'index': 2, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'Lusine Sargsyan', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
ext_ids {'doi': None, 'wikidata_qid': None, 'isbn13': None, 'pmid': None, 'pmcid': None, 'core': None, 'arxiv': '1406.2002v2', 'jstor': None, 'ark': None, 'mag': None, 'doaj': None, 'dblp': None, 'oai': None, 'hdl': None}
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language en
license_slug ARXIV-1.0
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release_date 2014-06-25
release_stage accepted
release_type article
release_year 2014
title Seeking the Epoch of Maximum Luminosity for Dusty Quasars
version v2
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work_id 34scdd2fcne6lh4sqjmphgryea

Extra Metadata (raw JSON)

arxiv.base_id 1406.2002
arxiv.categories ['astro-ph.GA', 'astro-ph.CO']
arxiv.comments Accepted 2014 June 7 for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; received 2013 August 22. v2 contains reference updates added in proof
arxiv.journal_ref ApJ 790, 88 (2014)