Background subtraction methods for precision measurements of di-hadron and jet-hadron correlations in heavy ion collisions release_4cqrlwadcbce7dae25a63twi5u

by Natasha Sharma, Joel Mazer, Meghan Stuart, Christine Nattrass

Entity Metadata (schema)

abstracts[] {'sha1': '79ad132d0d959075a2c339fdb9f4de405fd5944f', 'content': 'Di-hadron correlations and jet-hadron correlations are frequently used to\nstudy interactions of the Quark Gluon Plasma with the hard partons that form\njets. The existing background subtraction methods for these studies depend on\nseveral assumptions and independent measurements of the Fourier coefficients of\nthe combinatorial background. In this paper, we present two background\nsubtraction methods which use the observation that the near-side correlation\nsignal is negligible for large separations between the associated particle and\nthe trigger. The combinatorial background is fit in this background-dominated\nregion. Including the reaction plane dependence of the raw correlation improves\nthese results. To test the accuracy of these methods, a simple model is used to\nsimulate di-hadron and jet-hadron correlations with a combinatorial background\nsimilar to that observed in the data. The true signal is compared to the\nextracted signal. The results are compared to results from two variants of the\nZero-Yield-At-Minimum (ZYAM) method. We test these methods for mid-peripheral\nand central collisions and for di-hadron and jet-hadron correlations. These\nmethods are more precise than the ZYAM method with fewer assumptions about the\nshape and level of the combinatorial background, even in central collisions\nwhere the experimental resolution on the measurement of the reaction plane\ndependence is poor. These methods will allow more accurate studies of\nmodifications of the away-side jet and will be particularly useful for studies\nof jet-hadron correlations, where the combinatorial background is poorly\nconstrained from previous studies.', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'lang': 'en'}
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{'index': 1, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'Joel Mazer', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
{'index': 2, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'Meghan Stuart', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
{'index': 3, 'creator_id': None, 'creator': None, 'raw_name': 'Christine Nattrass', 'given_name': None, 'surname': None, 'role': 'author', 'raw_affiliation': None, 'extra': None}
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release_date 2016-04-28
release_stage accepted
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release_year 2016
title Background subtraction methods for precision measurements of di-hadron and jet-hadron correlations in heavy ion collisions
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Extra Metadata (raw JSON)

arxiv.base_id 1509.04732
arxiv.categories ['nucl-ex']
arxiv.comments Submitted to PRC
arxiv.journal_ref Phys. Rev. C 93, 044915 2016