A Study to Assess the Habit of Mobile Use and Knowledge Regarding Radial Tunnel Syndrome among Students Residing in Selected Nursing Hostels at Vijayapur, with a View to Provide an Information Booklet release_44hsvji3wzdcfc65ovvhyv3avq

by Amarnath Shanmukhe, Soujanya Pujar

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<strong>Objective:</strong> To assess the habit of mobile use and knowledge regarding radial tunnel syndrome among nursing students.<br> <strong>Methods:</strong> The research design selected for this study is Descriptive Research Design. By using Non probability purposive sampling technique 100 samples were selected from selected nursing hostels at Vijayapur.<br> <strong>Results:</strong> The study result shows that 65(65%) have average knowledge about radial tunnel syndrome, whereas 14 (14%) respondents have good knowledge &amp; 21(21%) respondents have poor level of knowledge regarding radial tunnel syndrome. In addition to the habit score of students shows that 58 (58%) habit of mobile use is good, whereas 25 (25%) students habit of mobile use is excellent and 17 (17%) students have average habit of mobile use. The mean percentage of habit of mobile use of nursing students is 49.2% with standard deviation 21.53. The co-rrelation co-efficient value shows that there is negative co-relationship (-0.144) exists between knowledge and habit of mobile use regarding radial tunnel syndrome. There is positive significant association found between knowledge score and duration of mobile using. The association of habit score of nursing students with selected demographical variables reveals that there is no significant association of the habit score with demographical variables except duration of mobile using.<br> <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study concludes that most of the nursing students having average knowledge regarding radial tunnel syndrome and good habit of mobile use.
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Date   2018-03-31
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