@article{sharma_agarwal_2019, title={Merchandiser Perception of Cashless Transaction: A Case Study of District Meerut of Uttar Pradesh State In India}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.5816375}, abstractNote={Digital payment is a future of cashless economy and most of Indians are using Digital payment for their transaction but after demonetization it feels like a compulsory for all but not enforceable by law of India. Suddenly the change in economy, this is not easy to covert from cash to cashless due to unavailability of infrastructure facility for this cashless platform. General people discuss some issues and benefits with each and on other side merchandisers were very embarrassingdue to new way of currency transaction. The regular practises of physical transaction of money aregoing to be changed and all transaction will be in records is good for economy but merchandiser having different perceptions related to different aspects. In this paper an attempt is made
to examine the merchandisers of Meerut ( Uttar Pradesh ) perception towards cashless transaction and conclusion are made based on the finding. The Research objectives are to Investigatethe Reason of conversion from cash to Cashless transactions and to analyse the challenges and prospects for Cashless transactions in district Meerut of Uttar Pradesh in India.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Sharma, Ashwani and Agarwal, Himanshu}, year={2019}, month={Jun} }