@article{janani_shyalu_ramalakshmanan_selvakumar, title={HAND GESTURE FOR MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS}, abstractNote={In today's world where every operations performed by human are getting simple, in order to make it simpler I present an innovation which makes use of HAND GESTURE. Hand Signal Transceiver system will be introduced for the medical purpose. The transceiver will detect several hand gestures and then sent out the corresponding information which will be received by another transceiver and will be displayed on a LCD screen. System design will cover both hardware and software implementation of wireless system. The hardware part is mainly based on PIC 16F877A controller, GSM, Accelerometer. The biggest advantage is that it is cost effective. Key words-Gesture based Transceiver, accelerometer, system for patient emergency in hospitals, system for blind and dump people, wireless communication with use of hand gesture.}, author={Janani and Shyalu and Ramalakshmanan and Selvakumar} }