High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe release_3pn5vzqkezenxdhooox6ist74a

by Taeke Gjaltema

Published in Statistical Journal of the IAOS by IOS Press.

2022   Volume 38, p917-922


The article describes the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS). The focus is on its structure, the innovation pipeline and the elements of its success. The HLG-MOS was created by the Conference of European Statisticians to accelerate the modernisation of official statistics. To achieve this, the HLG-MOS setup a modernisation community with projects, expert groups, and expert meetings and workshops. It has consistently been evaluated as very successful. Key to this is the strong engagement and strategic direction from the Chief Statisticians that lead the HLG-MOS combined with motivated and dedicated experts participating in the activities and continuous oversight and steering from the HLG-MOS Executive Board and effective support from the UNECE secretariat. The innovation pipeline that combines top-down strategic vision and bottom-up ideation is core to identifying and prioritising new areas of work.
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Date   2022-09-13
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