Las políticas de salud reproductiva en Estados Unidos y Chile
Las políticas de salud reproductiva en Estados Unidos y Chile release_3opb6khhevh7hlxbzkmh2c7uce

by Raúl Allard S.

Published in Revista médica de Chile (Impresa) by SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (ANID).

2020   Volume 148, Issue 12, p1855-1859


This work addresses the controverted reproductive health policies in the last fifty years in the United States and in the last thirty years in Chile, since the return of democracy. They range from the inclusion of sex education programs in school curricula to the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and the recent emergence of institutional conscientious objection. The author provides a comparative analysis of the latter in both countries, considering the current political context in the United States and the constituent process development in Chile.
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Year   2020
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ISSN-L:  0034-9887
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