@article{poluan_2022, title={The Effect of Headset/Earphone Use on Hearing Decrease}, volume={12}, DOI={10.22270/jddt.v12i2-s.5260}, abstractNote={Chronic noise exposure due to the use of a headset for listening to music can reduce hearing function. This thesis aims to determine the effect of the use of a headset to function hearing in terms of duration of use, frequency of use, and the volume when listening to music. Some people listen to music using the headset is not only for relaxation but also to increase their concentration on work. Using a headset can avoid interference, thereby increasing the concentration of the individual. It is essential to realize the influence of music and the use of a headset on the performance and safety of workers while doing their job. Keywords: Headset, the effect of the use of headsets}, number={2-S}, publisher={Society of Pharmaceutical Tecnocrats}, author={Poluan, Fransiskus Harf}, year={2022}, month={Apr} }