@article{węgorek_1987, title={Problems of antierosion tree plantings - Problemy zadrzewień przeciwerozyjnych}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.3294343}, abstractNote={Problematics of investigations on tree plantings protecting soil against water erosion is presented against the background of a rather far advanced investigations on tree plantings preventing "steppization" of farmlands. Differences in the effect of either type of tree plantings and in their influence on the medium of adjoining agrocenoses have been proved. These differences were caused, first of all, by specific physiographic conditions of soils of the antierosion tree planting areas. The investigation results obtained prove that the antierosion tree plantings on slopes under agricultural utilization can. irrespective of their favourable effect of agrocenoses, considerably reduce the productivity of the latter, mainly by interceptior of the underground runoff, decreasing consequently the soil moisture level of lower situated fields. Thus, to ensure the sucess of antierosion phytoreclamation measures such qualitative and quantitative combination of trees and shrubs should be applied and such spatial forms should be given to them, which would reconcile the requirements of crops and of useful fauna with demands of the antierosion reclamation measures. An attention is drawn to the need of training appropriate staff for anti erosion tree planting purposes as well as of extension of the range of teaching phytoreclamations in the agricultural medium and high schools.}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Węgorek, T.}, year={1987}, month={Jan} }