Cross-Cultural Pragmatics and Its challenges in EFL context release_36jihcwotfauzikzwdcqvqu5a4

by Dian Rianita

Published by INA-Rxiv.



Preprint-The target of teaching and learning a foreign language, like English, is customary to give the learners knowledge in using the target language for communication in an appropriate way. Because of that, it is not enough to teach the learners merely grammar skills, but they have to be provided with the cross-cultural competence in using the target language. Linguists believe that mastering high-level skills in grammar does not mean the learners have the equal pragmatic competence. Thus, the instruction concerning pragmatics is compulsory in term of rising a cross-cultural awareness. This paper discusses the intercultural pragmatics and its importance in second language acquisition. The discussion covers the challenges faced by the learners in becoming proficient at using English as their target language
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Date   2017-10-14
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