Realization of random-field dipolar Ising ferromagnetism in a molecular magnet release_36e3pmrntjgyfhrthzzwxkyisy

by Bo Wen, P. Subedi, Lin Bo, Y. Yeshurun, M. P. Sarachik, A. D. Kent, C. Lampropoulos, G. Christou

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The longitudinal magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of the molecular magnet Mn_12-acetate obeys a Curie-Weiss law, indicating a transition to a ferromagnetic phase due to dipolar interactions. With increasing magnetic field applied transverse to the easy axis, the transition temperature decreases considerably more rapidly than predicted by mean field theory to a T=0 quantum critical point. Our results are consistent with an effective Hamiltonian for a random-field Ising ferromagnet in a transverse field, where the randomness is induced by an external field applied to Mn_12-acetate crystals that are known to have an intrinsic distribution of locally tilted magnetic easy axes.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2009-10-09
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  0910.1754v1
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Revision: d93faf94-430b-44f8-b269-f90f71acccd1