@article{anjum_ahmed_naz_khanum_2021, title={A Comprehensive Description on Ethnopharmacology and Therapeutics of Murdarsang: A Review}, volume={11}, DOI={10.22270/jddt.v11i5-s.5056}, abstractNote={Murdarsang is a mineral that contains pbo, or lead oxide is an important medicine in the Unani system of medicine (USM) due to its multiple therapeutic properties. It can be prepared manually with different methods and used in different forms. Etymologically, it is known as 'Litharge' which is derived from Greek 'Litharguros' (lithos meaning stone and arguros for silver) which forms as a 'waste' during the last stage of silver smelting. Throughout human history, lead and lead minerals have been used for medicinal purposes. Galena was used as an eye salve in pre-dynastic Egypt, as well as by the ancient Indian civilisations of Mohendro-Daro and Harappa between 3200 and 2800 BC. Dioskourides in his De Materia Medica says about lithargyros that one is made from sand called molybditis which is roasted until it is totally burned, another from silver, a third from lead. According to Unani system of medicine Murdarsang possess different properties such as Astringent, Agglutinant, mildly Detergent, Desiccant, Anti-inflammatory Refrigerant, Corrosive and Rarefying properties. It is used as a base for making ointments. It composes the drugs and reduces the intensity of their dissolution, corrosion and astringency. It also have a corrosive, Resolvent and Insecticidal action. Many pharmacological activities mentioned in Unani medicine are validated, and many activities need further exploration due to the immense therapeutic scope in this drug. The current review designed to give an overview on the historical, chemical constituents, pharmacological and therapeutic effects of Murdarsang. Keywords: Murdarsang, Litharge, Lead oxide, Unani system of medicine.}, number={5-S}, publisher={Society of Pharmaceutical Tecnocrats}, author={Anjum, Sultana and Ahmed, Sana Kauser Ateeque and Naz, Farha and Khanum, Saba}, year={2021}, month={Oct} }