@article{sulandari_sapei_sapei_faqih_karlinasari_2021, title={SUSTAINABLE WATER AVAILABILITY MODEL WITH RESERVOIR TECHNIQUE BY USING ISM (INTERPRETATIVE STRUCTURAL MODELING) METHOD IN BANGKA ISLAND INDONESIA}, volume={21}, DOI={10.51470/plantarchives.2021.v21.no2.059}, abstractNote={The reduced of clean water availability is a problem in almost all parts of the world. This condition is caused by many factors such as population growth, industrialization, urbanization, transportation, etc. The same thing happened in Bangka Island. Based on the research conducted by Hambali (2013) the water balance in Pangkal Pinang was in poor condition (>100%) with a water balance value of 388.13% in 2013, 454% in 2018 and 531.04% in 2023. As the condition of the reduced of clean water availability, especially in Bangka Island, it is necessary to have alternative in providing clean water from other sources as an effort to conserve water to maintain the availability of clean water. One of the water conservation efforts that can be done to maintain the availability of clean water is by using rain harvesting technique. Rainfall source in Bangka Island is possible at reservoir(kulong/embung) of tin mining that has been done. By using the Interpretative Structural Modeling method, it is possible to obtain factor element, institutional element and actor element in sustainable water availability with reservoir technique in Bangka Island. Three key elements were found, namely institutional, social and environmental. Furthermore, the three main institutional elements were 1) regulatory context. 2) trust in community development and 3) positive relation with the community. Meanwhile, the 3 key actors were 1) Technical institution/unit. 2) Financial Institution and 3) Department of Public Works and Housing}, publisher={Plant Archives}, author={Sulandari, Uci and Sapei, Asep and Sapei, Eriyatno and Faqih, Achmad and Karlinasari, Lina}, year={2021}, month={Oct} }