Up Regulation of Ezrin and Radixin with respect to Grade of Tumors in Breast Cancer Patients release_2weowah4svh4di5ehpsonyed6q

by Hadiseh Mohammad pour, Reza Shirkoohi

Published in Basic and Clinical Cancer Research by Knowledge E DMCC.



Background: Breast cancer (BC) is one of the main causes of death among women in Iran. Biomarkers involved in promotion and progression of disease is very important in management and control of BC outcomes. In this research, we aim to estimate the expression levels of Ezrin and Radixin, as two important factors in morphogenesis, endocytosis, exocytosis, adherence, and migration of cells, in BC patients and their relationship with pathological factors.
 Methods: One hundred and thirteen BC patients were involved in this research. Relative expression of Ezrin and Radixin genes were estimated with quantitative real-time PCR. Pathological data include the histology, tumor size, grade, lymphovascular invasion and clinical TNM (Tumor, Node, and Metastasis) staging of patients were recorded based on the pathology report and their relationship with relative expression of Ezrin and Radixin were estimated.
 Result: According to result Ezrin were over expressed in tumor samples in comparison to adjacent normal tissue. There is a significant relationship between over expression of Ezrin and Radixin and grade of tumor and necrosis. Also there is a direct relationship between relative expression of Ezrin and Radixin expression.
 Conclusions: These data support the role of Ezrin and Radixin in the biology of breast cancer and additional studies needed that determine the Ezrin and Radixin associated with phenotype and may validate them as markers of cancer progression and as a potential target for cancer therapy.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2024-01-13
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ISSN-L:  2228-5466
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