Engineered <em>Akkermansia muciniphila</em>: A promising agent against diseases (Review) release_2vonc4rgbvefbgfrbvtsl3isna

by Yixuan Zou, Tingtao Chen

Published in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine by Spandidos Publications.

2020   Volume 20, Issue 6, p1-1


Achieving a harmonious gut microbial ecosystem has been hypothesized to be a successful method for alleviating metabolic disorders. The administration of probiotics, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, is a known traditional and safe pathway to regulate human commensal microbes. With advancements in genetic sequencing and genetic editing tools, more bacteria are able to function as engineered probiotics with multiple therapeutic properties. As one of the next-generation probiotic candidates, Akkermansia muciniphila (A. muciniphila) has been discovered to enhance the gut barrier function and moderate inflammatory responses, exhibit improved effects with pasteurization and display beneficial probiotic effects in individuals with obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and autism-related gastrointestinal disturbances. In view of this knowledge, the present review aimed to summarize the effects of A. muciniphila in the treatment of metabolic disorders and to discuss several mature recombination systems for the genetic modification of A. muciniphila. From gaining an enhanced understanding of its genetic background, ingested A. muciniphila is expected to be used in various applications, including as a diagnostic tool, and in the site-specific delivery of therapeutic drugs.
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Date   2020-10-29
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